The evolutionary men’s groups plug you into a growth-focused crew of men to have your back, supporting, challenging and holding you accountable to moving through limiting patterns and toward your goals. Learn and apply practical tools for navigating and breaking through rugged relationship and life challenges, clarify your life’s purpose, and open to new possibilities that inspire you.
Join us in the 8-week Evolutionary Men’s Group or the year-long Evolutionary Man Men’s Tribe. All programs are in-person in Boulder, CO.
Group Helps You Get Results Like…
8-Week Evolutionary Man Men’s Group
In just 8-weeks, the men’s Evolutionary Man Men’s Group offers you the support and challenge to help you take powerful steps to uplevel your life and improve your relationships.
Integrate tools for transforming challenges and freeing yourself from suffering.
In addition to the weekly group meetings, you’ll meet each week with an accountability partner from the group to help further empower you to live your best life.
Thursdays from 6-8pm
Beginning March 6th
Limited to 8 men

Year-Long Evolutionary Man Men’s Tribe: Take a Stand for Your Life
The in-person Evolutionary Man Men’s Tribe helps men committed to growth and change to dramatically elevate their lives and relationships.
Break through longstanding personal and relationship obstacles to make big positive shifts in yourself and your life
Get in touch with the bigger picture of why you’re here and what you’re taking a stand for
Live your purpose and mission in a way that brings deep meaning and fulfillment into your life
Gain clarity and focus on your goals and vision of the future
Develop a stronger sense of inner authority
Get more empowered to take on challenges
Free yourself to live with more ease and peace of mind
Experience a deeper belonging and connectedness to yourself, others, your partner, and life
Click below for a description of the program.
Rolling enrollment open now

Reuvain is an extremely gifted facilitator of transformation and personal evolution. His skills with couples, men and groups are outrageous. The guy has a pulse on everything. Not only that, Reuvain’s ability to connect people toward a common purpose is visionary.
Jayson Gaddis
Host of The Smart Couple Podcast, Founder – The Relationship School™

Reuvain Bacal is a pioneer with a fresh vision of men in their fullness. His unique presence provides men with a deep experience of both loving support and edgy challenge. He calls us out of our roles that no longer serve us and into our spiritual awakening.
Dr. Pierre Brunschwig
Physician and Founder, Helios Integrated Medicine, Boulder, CO

Reuvain Bacal’s deeply cultivated skills, natural gifts and the enormous amount of personal work he has done on himself are evident when you meet him; and without hesitation I can attest that he is one of the most skilled and deeply gifted therapists and coaches that I have ever known. He has a laser-like focus…quickly getting to the hidden trigger point of an issue. If you need support on your journey of unfolding, healing and learning, you would be truly blessed to have him as your guide.
Michael Vladeck
Family Coach and Counselor, Conscious Parenting In The Digital Age

The individual and group work that I have done with Reuvain has been an extraordinary and central part of my personal growth.
Rabbi Marc Soloway
Boulder, CO

Reuvain Bacal is an exceptionally gifted and talented professional. You’ll experience him as warm yet fierce and skillfully to the point…you will recognize him as someone you can trust, a premier counselor who comes from the heart. I consider myself deeply fortunate to have the opportunity to work with him. I couldn’t recommend anyone more highly.
Marc David
Author, Founder & Director of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating

Reuvain is a remarkably skilled men’s coach. He masterfully pinpoints exactly where men are stuck and holding back, and then warmly yet fiercely works just the right spot to open men up to more possibility, to living more fully and powerfully. I highly recommend Reuvain to any man wanting to take his life to the next level.
Bryan Bayer
CEO, Authentic Man Program

I went to Reuvain simply because he’s one of the best at helping men navigate challenging life-terrain. His blend of sensitivity, perception and presence are unique. He’s had a profound impact on me.
Tripp Lanier
Host, The New Man Podcast

I have found no better path to personal growth and empowerment than through Reuvain’s Year-Long Men’s Tribe and 8-week men’s groups. I cannot overstate the skill and expertise Reuvain brings to facilitating these groups. For me, Tribe is about CONNECTION. By meeting and connecting with a group of high-quality men, I am constantly challenged to be my best self. Only through feeling connected can we start to escape our limiting patterns and behaviors. And I’ve formed deep friendships in a way I wanted to for years but was never able to accomplish on my own.
Jason Berkowitz
Business Development Executive, IBM

Walking out of our first session together, I felt tangibly different. Rather than a collection of body parts, emotional surges and fragmented thoughts, my experience was one of wholeness. Grounded, present, substantial. Your embodiment of both deep vulnerability and trustworthy strength continues to inspire me in our sessions, serving as a beacon toward my own ongoing integration. I am so grateful!
Bryce Widom
Artist, Boulder, CO

Reuvain is deeply intuitive and his work, while not always comfortable, results in a level of authenticity I had no idea was possible. My life is profoundly different after spending just a few powerful sessions with Reuvain and new possibilities are revealing themselves daily from this place. I highly recommend him to anyone looking to live a more truly authentic life.
Casey Capshaw
Internet Business Strategist, Boulder, CO